03/01/2025 - <Insert Quirky Title About My Day Here>

03/01/2025 - <Insert Quirky Title About My Day Here>
Photo by Adi Goldstein / Unsplash

Today's Rating: 6/10

Song of the Day: Sticky - Tyler, The Creator

Absolutely blame Maddie for this one

Current Book: Secrets of the Stoics - Jason Hemlock

I'm quite tired as a write this, another random 3 AM wake-up, meaning that at most I'm on five hours of sleep right now. Apologies if today's blog is worse than usual because of that, but I don't think anyone reads this for the "journalistic quality".

Yesterday started off the perfect way for me: a full night of sleep and early morning tennis plans. The weather has been perfect here the last few days with temperatures in the 70s-80s with very little clouds which has definitely re-activated my addiction.

group chats beware

I got to the courts at 9 AM to hit with Daniel who I have only hit with a few times before. He's a solid player who is definitely still improving, and we had a fun, albeit short, match. I gave him some tips where I could to help him make that next level jump like to stop leaning back so much on his forehand and to come in to the net when he hits a good approach shot.

Saturday mornings are one of my favorite times to go play, but they are also one of the most dangerous times to be at the courts. Saturday mornings are primetime for who I like to refer to as the "bitties". Now full disclosure, I have absolutely no idea why I call them that or who started it if it wasn't me. I actually just checked on Urban Dictionary for what exactly that word meant, and this term needs to be dropped for them immediately. A few of the definitions from Urban Dictionary:

  • Definition 1: "A word that originally came from the phrase "tig ol' bitties", meaning big ol' titties, which then got shortened to bitties therefore referring to women's breasts. The word has evolved and recently can be defined as any type of women one finds attractive or wants to "get with"."

    • I can not express in words how unattractive some of the women in this group are. Thankfully, a picture is worth a thousand words. Women in this group range in attractiveness from:
    • non-feral-ghouls-are-glitched-v0-j71soffveq1b1.webp
    • Some_image.width-1200.e6e098e.jpg
    • So clearly this definition does not apply. Let's examine another definition
  • Definition 2: "The diminutive of bitches; in other words, females aged 16-17 who are attractive beyond their years."

    • Not to get too repetitive, but these women are NOT attractive. Also, they are old. Like really old
    • So this one is off the table as well

I'll have to come up with something more creative for the group.

Now, you may at this point think I am being extremely rude and slightly over-dramatic. I can assure you that both are true, but that this group deserves it. They regularly complain about so many microscopic things and just generally make the club environment far less pleasant for their existence. But that's enough about them for now.

After tennis, I drove home and went on a walk to further enjoy the nice weather. I put on my favorite podcast and walked at a more leisurely pace than usual. In total, I walked 3.31 miles in 70 minutes. When I get home, I microwaved some leftovers for lunch and watched some more of the Keith Eats the Menu series with Maddie. We then got ready, loaded up the car, and started on the drive to Lafayette for a joint family birthday party. The party was for Maddie's brother as well as his two daughters all of whom are born around the same time.

Pros: Consolidate multiple events into a single time commitment

Cons: Tiny house, lots of people

The house isn't actually that small, and there weren't actually that many people. I'm just not a fan of crowded spaces in general. I'm also not entirely sure what the conversion rate of child to person is. Is it a flat rate like 1 child = 1/2 person? Or does it scale with age until they turn 18 (i.e. a 6 year old would be 1/3 person)? But I'd guess there were roughly 15 people there. I also want to be abundantly clear that is a joke; I know kids are people.

The party was more fun than expected, and the food was quite good. Unfortunately, the combo of tasty food and my crippling social anxiety is a death sentence for my stomach. Since I never know what to do with my hands or mouth at parties, the easiest solution is to just keep both occupied the entire time I'm there. I think this equated to three or four plates of jambalaya, a similar amount of pizza, and way too much cake/cookies.

Me at the party

We ended up leaving around 7/7:15 to start on the 1.5 hour drive home. Me leaving the party:

My stummy hurt

This is where you can blame Maddie for today's song of the day (although it is really catchy). We then proceeded to heat up a couple of slices of pizza we took from the party (as if we needed more food), watched more Keith Eats the Menu, and went to bed around 9:30.

I read a few more pages of my book which I'm almost done at this point thankfully. I'll have to find a new one tomorrow or the day after.

Thanks for reading and see you tomorrow!