03/06/2025 - Rebound

03/06/2025 - Rebound
Photo by Markus Spiske / Unsplash

Today's Rating: 7/10

Song of the Day: Wasted - Rainbow Kitten Surprise

I wonder if I've repeated any of these yet

Current Book: Revenge of the Tipping Point - Malcolm Gladwell

Yesterday was substantially better than the day before. My mood had improved drastically, and while I still dread tonight's work that will keep me up substantially past my bedtime, I'm not as frustrated about it. By no stretch do I think that it is acceptable, but you live and learn.

Yesterday I woke up around the usual time, got my coffee, and started on my day. One of the perks of this big go-live event for LFC is that my typical workload is lighter to accommodate for any requests that come in from them, so my days can be less busy than normal so long as LFC doesn't feel like ruining my day.

Luckily, only one small thing came in from them meaning that it was a light day overall. I had a lot of positive things about yesterday though that I think really helped from the day before:

  • As part of dinner last night, I made a sauce based on this recipe. It was an absolute flavor bomb that immediately perked me up. The strong raw garlic flavor was excellent.
  • I sold two things online
    • An old Raspberry Pi
    • An old duffel bag
  • Maddie got home earlier than usual
  • Got to play doubles with Zach, Bryan, and Edwin which was an absolute blast. I have not seen Zach play that well in quite some time, and we managed to beat Edwin/Bryan 6-3 0-6 6-3.

I got home around 9 PM and had the full dinner with the sauce from earlier. It was shawarma wraps (frozen shawarma chicken from Costco) along with cucumbers and hummus. An excellent dinner that I got to enjoy with Maddie, Winnie, and Jojo. The girls (Winnie and Jojo) were very playful last night which was fun to watch. We ended up heading to bed around 10:30, and I read a few pages before falling asleep.

Thanks for reading and see you tomorrow!

P.S. I'll be aiming for longer posts after tomorrow