03/07/2025 - Lower Your Expectations

03/07/2025 - Lower Your Expectations
Photo by krakenimages / Unsplash - I just think this photo is funny, no relation to today

Today's Rating: 5/10

Song of the Day: Halo - Cage the Elephant

Current Book: Revenge of the Tipping Point - Malcolm Gladwell

Welp, yesterday was the day I had been dreading for quite some time: the initial stage of LFC's go live. Yesterday/this morning was supposed to be the day I would have to work from 7 PM - 7 AM because of the request that my "leads" approved, so I went into today with very low expectation (honestly, thought it may be the first day to get a 1/10). However, as you can see from the rating, it was nowhere near as bad as I thought. I ended up being able to log off around 11:15 (12:15 AM EST), a full eight hours earlier than expected.

I never really thought it would last all the way to 7 AM like LFC had indicated, but I was expecting/dreading staying up until 3 AM which I thought was more realistic. Surprisingly, LFC was very prompt and started everything on-time and had their portions done quickly so that I could start mine a full hour early. Everything went seamlessly with no issues encountered, and I now feel a massive weight off of my shoulders.

I do believe if you go into things with extremely low expectations then you usually are better for it since the only direction to go is up. I'm technically still on-call today for any issues but only as a backup in case one of the other engineers is not able to address their issues (if they run into any which LFC is quite talented at)

In total, I logged a 14 hour workday (8 hours normal + 6 hours late for the migration), so I'll be taking off some time next week to reflect that (3.5 - 4 day weekend coming up next weekend!)

I can't really recall anything else remarkable about yesterday, but I may be forgetting as I still am tired from the late night last night regardless. I do have something to look forward to tomorrow: a day trip to Baton Rouge for a friend's engagement party.

I'll keep this one short though. Thanks for reading and see you tomorrow!